
 Tips for Data Interpretation CAT 2023

 "Practice is the cornerstone of success. When it comes to DI questions, practice is absolutely essential. Even the great Sachin Tendulkar would hit the nets before every match, despite his mastery of batting techniques. This is because practice keeps you sharp and focused, no matter how skilled you may be. So, if you want to excel in DI questions, make sure to prioritize practice and commit to honing your skills."

1. Solve 4–5 sets Everyday (i.e. 20 questions) from the DI Book or Coaching study material. Find how to approach a question in DI.

2. Questions at Foundation, Moderate and Advanced levels with solutions and explanations in the books on DI and LR are available. After attempting the exercises, analyze your mistakes and make sure you do not repeat them. 

3. If you find yourself average in an area it means that you have not solved similar questions earlier. It is your time - to go through the concepts and solve the questions - that will take you to higher levels of intelligence.

4. The good thing is that the kinds of questions asked in CAT are finite. A question is difficult only when you see it for the first time. If you still find a question difficult when you see it for the second time, ask yourself: are you honest enough in your preparation.

5. Keep trying and look for the quality questions which are  NON-REPETITIVE.

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